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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Revisiting the Psychology of Narcissistic Entitlement @ Psychology Today

"As you can see, then, narcissistic entitlement isn’t a unitary concept. To tap into its dimensions, Ackerman and Donnellen used one scale, the Psychological Entitlement Scale (PES), which relates to feelings of high self-esteem. People’s scores on the PES predict their tendency (believe it or not) to take candy from children, feel they deserved a salary, lack of empathy in close relationships, and expression of aggression. However, PES scores aren’t linked to neuroticism, the tendency toward emotional instability.The second measure Ackerman and Donnellen used was the Narcissistic PersonalityInventory- Entitlement/Exploitativeness Scale (NPI-EE). Scores on the NPI-EE relate to a slew of pathological tendencies, including psychopathy, Machiavellianism, neuroticism, and antagonism. People who score high on this measure also have low self-esteem, life satisfaction, and overall psychological health. They also tend to report that they feel angry and aggressive (which is also true of people high on the PES scale). In general, however, the NPI-EE seems to tap into that vulnerable form of narcissistic entitlement in which people try to cover up their low sense of self-worth with overt protestations of their own greatness."
Revisiting the Psychology of Narcissistic Entitlement @ Psychology Today

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