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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The Pathological Charmer by Dr.Sam Vaknin

"The pathological charmer feels superior to the person he captivates and fascinates. As far as he is concerned, charming someone means having power over her, controlling her, or even subjugating her. It is all a mind game intertwined with a power play. The person to be thus enthralled is an object, a mere prop, and of dehumanized utility."
See more @ Dr. Sam Vaknin's site

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Eight fun games narcissists like to play (and one they can’t play). @ Lucky Otters Haven

#1 Ping-Pong...#2 Gotcha!...#3 Crazy Eights...4 Death by a Thousand Cuts...#5 Twenty-One...#6 The King/Queen Game...#7 Cat and Mouse...#8 Liars Poker

See explanations @  Lucky Otters Haven

The 8 Most Common Narc-Sadistic Conversation Control Tactics @ Relationshipedia

Reverse Projection
Conversations Are Not Conversations, They Are Verbal Competitions
Enablers and Tongue Biters

1. Topic Switcheroo...2. The Blame Game...3. Projection...4. Turning Up the Volume...5. Playing the Victim...6. Gas-lighting...7. Interrupting...8. The Silent-treatment

See explanations @ Relationshipedia

Friday, September 30, 2016

Abuse-Can Be Subtle and Deadly @ Ladywithatruck's Blog

Inducing Disorientation...Incapacitating...Shared Psychosis...Abuse Of Information...Control By Proxy
See explanations & more @ Lady With A Truck's Blog

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Check out Ross Rosenberg's Youtube channel

"Ross has been a psychotherapist since 1988. He is a licensed practitioner who is certified as an addiction counselor and certified sex addiction therapist. Ross is considered an expert in codependency, trauma, sex and love addiction and Narcissistic and Borderline Personality Disorders.   Ross is the author of the best-selling and award-winning book, "The Human Magnet Syndrome: Why We Love People Who Hurt Us." In this book, he has drawn on his 26 years of experience in the mental health, social service and child welfare fields. "
Check out Ross Rosenberg's Youtube channel

How to Defend Yourself from Narcissists. Observe Don't Absorb Technique. Stop the Manipulation! uploaded by Ross Rosenburg

Malignant Narcissist Are Dangerous! Loving the Destroyer. Narcissism uploaded by Ross Rosenberg

The Three Phases of A Narcissistic Relationship...@Through the Looking Glass

"A Narcissist is very careful when choosing a target. Typically, they will choose a victim based on their status. They must be attractive, popular, rich or extremely gifted in some area. The greater the status, the higher the value the Narcissist places on the Supply derived.

Once a target has been chosen, it’s almost like the Narcissist gets tunnel vision. They are hyper-vigilant in their pursuit and will project the perfect image that their victim wants them to be. They are excessively caring, loving and attentive at this stage. They shower their targets with attention, compliments and literally sweep them off their feet."

See more @ Through the Looking Glass

Dear Empaths: 4 Types of Narcissists You May Be Attracting @ LonerWolf

Vulnerable Narcissists
Invulnerable Narcissists.
Amorous Narcissists
Compensatory Narcissists
Elitist narcissists
malignant narcissists
See explanations & more @ Loner Wolf

Friday, September 23, 2016

The sociopath ‘sickness saga’ @ Dating a Sociopath

  • The sickness saga.
  • Faking sickness will almost always create a positive reaction from the victim
  • Without conscience
  • Swift change from perpetrator to victim.
  • Compulsive pathological lying.
  • The sociopath will now become the sickness.
  • If you come close to discovering the truth your own empathy, and kindness will now be used against you.
  • The person I was with didn’t fake a major illness – does this mean he/she was not a sociopath?  No.
  • How could you? 
  • It is all about control.
  • Learned behavior.
  • Coping with the sense of betrayal

See explanations & more @ Dating A Sociopath

Signs of a Sociopath are Big-Time Scary @ HealthyPlace

  1. "A sociopath doesn't follow the rules. He believes that the rules, laws, and norms that exist for the safety and wellbeing of everyone in society don't apply to him. He's above them, so they mean nothing.
  2. A sociopath doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. She couldn't care less what she does to you. She couldn't care less for any punishment she'd receive, either. That means nothing stops her from doing what she wants to do.
  3. He grows bored very easily. A sign of a sociopath is the need for change, whether it's new homes, new locations, new friends, new relationships, new jobs, new whatever. His life must always be sensational. He's a thrill-seeker, always moving on to find excitement when boredom hits.
  4. A sign of being a sociopath is impulsivity. She acts quickly and without deliberation. She also has neither time nor concern for assessing hazards; she's a risk-taker.
  5. The sociopath is only concerned for the present moment, the now. This is far different from serene mindfulness. A sociopath lives in the present purely for pleasure, excitement, and instant gratification.
  6. Signs of a sociopath are careless and reckless behavior. He does what pleases him and what will get him ahead. He couldn't care less who gets hurt or what the consequences of his actions are.
  7. The sociopath is also unpredictable and quite unreliable. If she commits to doing something but later decides that there's nothing in it for her, she won't do it. She won't apologize, either.
  8. A sociopath acts immorally. Cheating, lying, stealing, violence, and more are part of who he is and what he does (Does A Sociopath Cry Or Even Have Feelings?). 
  9. To a sociopath, everything is a game. A sign of sociopathic behavior is the manipulating, calculating behavior that is part of the game. Oh, yeah. They must win the game.
  10. Sociopaths have been called loose cannons, which is an apt summary of the traits of a sociopath."

See more @ Healthy place

Confessions of a Sociopath: A Life Spent Hiding in Plain Sight by M.E. Thomas

"As M.E. Thomas says of her fellow sociopaths, “We are your neighbors, your coworkers, and quite possibly the people closest to you: lovers, family, friends. Our risk-seeking behavior and general fearlessness are thrilling, our glibness and charm alluring. Our often quick wit and outside-the-box thinking make us appear intelligent—even brilliant. We climb the corporate ladder faster than the rest, and appear to have limitless self-confidence.  Who are we? We are highly successful, noncriminal sociopaths and we comprise 4 percent of the American population.”"

@ Amazon

Check out Angie Atkinson's Youtube channel

"Discover, Understand and Overcome Narcissistic Abuse with Certified Life Coach, author and survivor Angela Atkinson, a recognized expert in narcissism in relationships and narcissistic personality disorder. As creator of the DUO Method of Healing, it's her mission to to help those who have experienced the emotional and mental devastation that comes with narcissistic abuse in these incredibly toxic relationships to (re)discover their true selves, stop the gaslighting and manipulation and move forward into their genuine desires - into a life that is exactly what they choose for themselves. In her life coaching practice, Atkinson's clients enjoy her personalized approach that allows and encourages them to become the best possible versions of themselves and to succeed in doing what they love most. As you can see when you visit the freebies page at QueenBeeing.com, Atkinson's online daily magazine, she's all about paying it forward. New videos every day."

Check out Angie Atkinson's Youtube channel

More Info..
  1. Queen Beeing - Her official site
  2. @FB
  3. @Twitter

10 Steps to Become Immune to Narcissistic Hoovering uploaded by Angie Atkinson

Hoovering: How You Get Tricked Back Into the Narcissistic Vortex! uploaded by Kim Saeed

The One Question You Need To Determine If A Narcissist Is A Narcissist uploaded Richard Grannon Spartan Life Coach


Subtle Ignoring - How to spot a Narcissist 101 uploaded by begood4000

Skaismith Living Narcissist Free's Youtube channel

Check out Skaismith Living Narcissist Free's Youtube channel

How the Narcissist Wants You to KEEP SWEET! uploaded by Skaismith Living Narcissist Free

See her video @ youtube

A Narcissist, a Psychopath and a Machiavellian Walk into a Bar… @ PsychoMetrics Forum Blog

"All embarrassing jokes aside, the Dark Triad of Personality rather ominously named, is an area of Psychological research which is attracting significant attention. It is however only a young field, in fact it was just over a decade ago that Paulhus and Williams (2002) coined the term ‘Dark Triad’. It’s an area of research that seems to intrigue Organisational, Clinical and Forensic Psychologists alike and of course has important implications for society as a whole."
See more @ PsychoMetrics Forum Blog

(9) Why does the narcissist play the victim? Quora

So much information. Narcissists do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to gain attention and admiration.

See the thread @ Quora

Narcissistic Behaviours & Common Expressions by Melanie Tonia Evans

See article @ her site

When Narcissists Claim to be Victims of Narcissists – Who is the Narcissist? @ An Upturned Soul

"For those of you who don’t think that Narcissists ever ‘Play the Victim’… I guess you’ve never met one who does… but when they do, they do it better than real victims, because they play to an audience, and every word and action they use is designed to elicit the sympathy and loyalty of the audience. The audience has been enlisted as heroes to save the Narcissist in distress....They are not monsters, they just seem that way… don’t fight them as though they are monsters, it feeds their ego and fantasy. The mythological, supernatural, fairytale world is their territory… the human world is our territory, they are afraid of our world. It’s too ordinary, flawed, imperfect, and real for them. On our ground… they shrink in size and become nothing more than a scared, miserable and distorted child who has never had the courage or the ability to grow up."

See more @ An Upturned Soul

Narcissistic Abuse: Recognizing Double Bind Coercion @ Echo Recovery

"The Ultimatum Double Bind
A dilemma requiring a decision between one thing and another thing, but choosing either one of them will bring a consequence you do not want to experience.
Then, if you comment or confront the person bringing you this dilemma, that will bring you a consequence you do not want.
All three responses will bring you consequences you do not want.
So you decide you are not going to participate in this, but making no decision at all will also bring you a consequence.
Trapped on all sides
No winning
You are in a catch-22"

See more @ Echo Recovery

Narcissists Who Cry: The Other Side of the Ego By Samuel López De Victoria, Ph.D. @ Psychology Today

"Ego loves pleasure and gain. In most cases, these can come from one of two ways of feeding the ego. One way is through aggrandizement, which means “to make bigger.” Ultimately, the extreme narcissist feels he/she is most special and, therefore, entitled. To the extreme narcissist, people are actually things to use.

Another way that the narcissist’s ego gets special attention is through the role of being a victim. Welcome to the victimized extreme narcissist. Most persons recognize ego as arrogance. "

See more  @ Psychology Today

Check out The Narcissistic Life

"This website is aimed at people who are living with Narcissists or people who are in close contact with them. I hope this website will give help in how to live with a Narcissist and how to deal with one in personal and general life."

Check out The Narcissistic Life 

The Narcissist and Apology @ The Narcissistic Life

"Healthy people use words for communication and to understand. A narcissist uses words to control, manipulate and cultivate ‘Narcissistic Supply’ (attention, admiration, capitulation, etc.). They lie all the time and faking an apology is no different. If anything, an apology from a narcissist is yet another way of exercising his power and control over you in order to get what he wants — Narcissistic Supply. Apologies don’t have to be sincere to work in the narcissist’s favor."

See more @ The Narcissistic Life

The Sadistic Narcissist @ The Narcissistic Life

"The narcissist must always “win” and they will use any means at their disposal to do so, including torture or abuse. They don’t think twice about causing pain in order to win. Narcissists always cause psychological pain and often physical pain as well. Usually those who are victimized the most are the closest and the most vulnerable: their partner or spouse, their children, siblings, and intimate friends. "

See more @ The Narcissistic Life

9 Signs You’re In Love With A Narcissist @ Huffington Post

1. In the beginning, they love bomb you.
2. Grand, sweeping gestures are their strong suit.
3. They can’t admit when they’re wrong. 
4. They’re envious of your relationship with others. 
5. The narcissist lives for the “likes.”
6. Their brand of empathy is self-motivated. 
7. Conversations are one-sided.
8. They’re really, really ridiculously good looking. 
9. Your needs and requests don’t matter. 

Richard Grannon Spartan Life Coach @ Youtube

""Spartan" Adjective Meaning:  a. Rigorously self-disciplined or self-restrained.  b. Simple, frugal, or austere: a Spartan diet; a spartan lifestyle.  d. Courageous in the face of pain, danger, or adversity.  I'm Richard Grannon, and I'm the Spartan Life Coach."

@ Youtube

"Skin Suit" Malignant Narcissist. : Narcissistic Personality Disorder Forum @ Psych forums

"A skinsuit Malignant Narcissist is a female MN whose all-consuming and pathological greed is so out of control that she is driven to not only take from you, and destroy you and what you have, she must BECOME you in the process. She wants your life, she wants to BE you. And she wont stop until she is in your skin and you are vapour"

See more @ Psych Forums

Types of Hoovers - Article, Palmatier @ Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath Abuse Recovery

See all hoovers @ Psychopath Free

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fight Narcissism's YouTube channel

"Narcissism effect family systems, individuals and society. I use podcasts, comedy and vlogging to share my personal experiences, ideas and observations with others who are interested in learning more about themselves and thriving in spite of hostile environments, post traumatic stress, and/or abuse in their lives."
YouTube channel

Angie Atkinson's YouTube channel

"Angela Atkinson is an author, journalist and Certified Life Coach. She's also a recognized expert in narcissism in relationships and narcissistic personality disorder. It's her mission to to help those who have experienced the emotional and mental devastation that comes with narcissistic abuse in these incredibly toxic relationships to (re)discover their true selves, stop the gaslighting and manipulation and move forward into their genuine desires - into a life that is exactly what they choose for themselves. In her life coaching practice, Atkinson's clients enjoy her personalized approach that allows and encourages them to become the best possible versions of themselves and to succeed in doing what they love most. As you can see when you visit the freebies page at QueenBeeing.com, Atkinson's online daily magazine for women, she's all about paying it forward. New videos Monday through Friday."

Youtube Channel

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The mind control trick that's better than a gun to the head! @ Decision Making Confidence

"The psychopath gives 4 messages.

1. I like who you are
2. I am just like you
3. Your secrets are safe with me
4. I am the perfect friend, partner, companion, lover… for you!
Let's have a closer look at how and why these messages deceive the victim into thinking the psychopath is a friend."

See more @ Decision Making Confidence

[Pic:] "I want to die a lovely death"

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Dealing with abrasive personalities @ Unique Training & Development

"It isn’t unusual for an abrasive person to try and turn the tables on you – claim that you are being overly sensitive and that the problem is you, not them. Don’t overly concern yourself with their initial reaction to the feedback as it is simply defensiveness. Most people get defensive when they receive corrective feedback. Instead of reacting to their defensiveness, simply repeat your perspective. Even if the initial reaction is defensive you will likely see a change in behavior – at least towards you. If it doesn’t change then you will likely need to consult with human resources or choose to live with the behavior. As with any positive behavior change, you should privately acknowledge the person’s changed behavior and approach....
Instead of vilifying these aggressive managers, perhaps the organization needs to look in the mirror to see if the overall culture is too passive. By working together, the organization can benefit from being more results-focused and the aggressive manager can shift to being more people sensitive."

See more @ Unique Training & Development

Abrasive personality disorder @ Buzzle

  • "She constantly blamed others for her misery or problems."
  • "The person goes on complaining about anything and everything to you. This person will keep bothering you with his/her financial woes, family troubles, relationship problems, etc. You soon find yourself being forced to turn into an Agony Aunt."
  • "An abrasive individual is the biggest party pooper ever. He/she is out there to suck the life out of you. He/she is in constant need of your help, and will call you for guidance or advice for anything and everything under the sun."
  • "...she would make one feel that her criticism was for their own good"
  • "Such an individual is bound to challenge everything you say or want to do"
  • "...people with an abrasive personality, their sole existence is based on gossips."
  • "These people want to have their own way all the time."
  • "These people are ambitious, but they lack the capability to achieve all their dream"

See more @ Buzzle

Abrasive personality disorder: Definition and diagnosis @ Research Gate

"This article advances a proposal for a newly identified type of personality disorder. While, like some of the other major personality disorders, the abrasive personality disorder (AbPD) shares some features with other Axis II disorders, it may however be considered as possessing sufficient idiosyncratic features as to warrant a separate classification. There are few documented discussions of this disorder within the historical confines of scientific psychology, however a good deal of attention is being focused currently in the popular press, under the rubric of “difficult people,” “control freaks,” and the like. The disorder is defined, its distinguishing characteristics delineated, with theoretical discussion provided. Some rudimentary assessment approaches are noted, with a call for research in this virgin territory."

See more @ Research Gate

What is an abrasive personality? @ Quora

"1. Passing advice without being asked for.

2. Assuming a lot of things about a person before talking to him/her.

3. Being insensitive to others' feelings.

4. Criticizing others unfairly, knowing fully that such criticism is unjustified.

5. Has a judgement on everyone and intractable rigidity.

6. Assuming false expertise in every matter out there."

See more @ Quora

The Abrasive Personality @ HBR (dot) org

"In meetings with his superiors, his questions were appropriate, his conclusions correct, and his insights important assets in examining problems. But he would antagonize his superiors by showing little patience with points and questions that to him seemed irrelevant or elementary. Unwilling to compromise, Sandstrom was an intellectual bully with little regard for those of his colleagues who could not keep up with him.

There were complaints from subordinates too. Some resented his controlling manner. Fearing his wrath, they spoke up at meetings only when they knew it to be safe. They knew he would not accept mediocrity and so they strived to attain the perfection he demanded of them. When he said they had done a good job, they knew they had earned his compliments, though many felt he did not really mean what he said."

See more @ HBR

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

{pic:] Nobody cares unless you're pretty or dying

How to Set A Boundary With Someone Who Ignores You @ Self Love U

*Sometimes a person would rather just ignore someone because they are busy or are afraid. But some people do it to manipulate.

"A person who ignores you repeatedly when you reach out in kindness is someone who...
Does not respect you.
Is trying to manipulate you.
Wants to control you.
Is exploiting you.
Does not care about your feelings.
Is pulling a power play.
Doesn't want to be vulnerable.
Wants to keep the upper hand.
Is selfish.
Does not feel the same way about you as you do about them.
Does not care about your relationship.
Would eventually throw you away if you didn't step-up to communicate again.
Is sending a powerful message about your worth directly to your self esteem (unconsciously).
Wants to keep you one-down while they stay one-up.
Wants you to be their fawn.
Wants to keep you like a pet, or a puppet on a string. "

See more @ Self Love You

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bimbofication @ Urban Dictionary

"The process of transforming into an airheaded slut, perfectly happy to be used and degraded."
- Urban Dictionary

Brooke Candy - Happy Days

BDSM Lexicon Entry #10: Brat @ Dumb Domme

"is a submissive who may engage in behavior purposefully designed to provoke or encourage a dominant’s response. In general, bratty behavior is behavior that is unwanted by the dominant"
See more @ Dumb Domme

What is a Brat? - Definition from Kinkly

"Brattiness or brat play is a sub section of Dominant/submissive play."
See more @ Kinkly

"I knew I belonged to the public and to the world, not because I was talented or even beautiful, but because...." - Marilyn Monroe

Dollification 101: Making or Becoming a Human Dolly uploaded by Kink University @ Vimeo

Dollification 101: Making or Becoming a Human Dolly from Kink University on Vimeo.

Playing with (Human) Dolls - Dollification @ Eden Fantasys

"Dollification is the act of, or fantasy of, turning oneself or someone else, physically and/or mentally, into a "living doll." That would be a strict definition of the term (which Dictionary.com doesn't recognize, by the way). But the reality of what that looks like is as different as the "dollers" and "dollies" themselves.

The doller is the person "creating" the doll, or dollie. The dollie is the person being turned into a living doll. Methods can include everything from dressing the human doll a certain way, requiring certain types of behavior, such as not speaking, maintaining a doll-like pose or learning to have as blank and empty an expression as possible, to more extreme methods such as hypnosis techniques to convince the person that he or she actually is a living doll (for the time that they are hypnotized), and even to permanent methods, such as body modifications.

Clothing and costuming is an important aspect of dollification, since so much of the fetish involves the visual image of the doll. The types of clothing and dolls fall into broad categories: frilly, Alice in Wonderland types, rag-dolls, rubber dolls, Barbie dolls, Lolita-style dolls and bondage dolls, as well as robot dolls and wind-ups, to name a few. Some like a more life-like look, while others prefer a plasticized, porcelain or rubberized look. Hair and make-up are also key to achieving the desired doll-like appearance."

See more @ Eden Fantasys

Dollification (dot) com 

"dollification: the process of evolving, mentally and physically, into a "living doll." Individuals who desire this process-as well as those who are in the midst of the process or have already achieved an end result-may be described as "dolls," and most desire as well to be owned. The parties involved in dollification are referred to as "Owner"and "doll"; this is comparable to a Master/slave or Dom/sub relationship.

Mental traits of a doll include but are not limited to: enjoyment of objectification and natural subservience, the underlying will to be transformed through one's own and/or outside forces into a living doll, ultimately, the capacity to feel/see oneself in a dollific manner, which the doll will continuously strive to achieve and/or improve."
See more of the explanation @ dollification (dot) com 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Paranoiacs

Paranoiacs = preoccupation with fixed ideas.shallow-mindedness.egotism, egocentrism, self-absorption, and self-complacence.one-way affectivity.high suspiciousness, stubbornness, paltriness, and rancor.-----DSM = Paranoid personality disorder. Can be combined with some compulsive, narcissistic, negativistic, and sadistic features.-----Milton = Obdurate, fanatic, querulous or malignant paranoid personality.

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Cluster of unstable psychopaths

Cluster of unstable psychopaths = a penchant for addiction, inclination to drug abuse.weak character and superficiality.indolence and vagrancy (they usually end up at the bottom of the heap).exposure to malignant social influence.mediocrity, averageness.-----DSM = Antisocial Personality Disorder with some schizoid and avoidant features.Borderline personality disorder with some negativistic features.-----Milton = Nomadic antisocial personality.Petulant borderline personality

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Dreamers

Dreamers = detachment from the world.tenderness and fragility.receptiveness to beauty.weak-willedness and listlessness.luxuriant imagination and dereism.usually inflated self-concept.-----DSM = A mix of schizoid, narcissistic, and histrionic features. Both schizotypal and avoidant features can also be present.-----Milton= schizotypal.

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Cluster of antisocial psychopaths

Cluster of antisocial psychopaths = strongly pronounced moral defects.emotional bluntness.indifference to praise and criticism.deceitfulness combined with listlessness.a penchant for oblectation of the senses and torment.-----DSM = Antisocial personality disorder combined with some paranoid and sadistic features. Sometimes schizoid features can also be present.-----Milton = Malevolent antisocial personality
- wikipedia

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Cluster of epileptoids

Cluster of epileptoids  = extreme irritability causing bursts of anger.a penchant for dysphoria (maliciousness combined with anger, anguish, and fear).shallow-mindedness.egotism, vigor, fixedness, exactingness, and rigidity.strong antisocial attitudes.a high risk of suicide.-----DSM = Antisocial personality disorder usually combined with some borderline features.-----Milton = Covetous antisocial personality.Impulsive borderline personality
- wikipedia

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Hysterical personalities

Hysterical personalities = attention seeking behavior combined with fear of indifference, an ardent desire to be not like all the others.appearance consciousness.the absence of objective truth in relation both to themselves and those around them.histrionics, theatricalism, deceitfulness weak-willedness combined with superficial, capricious, and unstable emotions.-----DSM = Histrionic personality disorder. Can be combined with some dependent and negativistic features.-----Milton = Theatrical, appeasing or tempestuous histrionic personality
- wikipedia

Subtypes (Pyotry) - Pathological liars

Pathological liars = prominent social defects, which includes extreme slovenliness.attention seeking and manipulative behavior.appearance consciousness.excessively excitable, immature, and rich imagination.high eloquence.involvement in fraud, charlatanism, crooked gambling.-----DSM = Histrionic personality disorder with some antisocial features.Narcissistic personality disorder with some antisocial features.Borderline personality disorder with some antisocial features.-----Milton = Disingenous histrionic personality.Unprincipled narcissistic personality.Impulsive borderline personality"
- wikipedia

Subtype (Pyotry) - Asthenics

Asthenics = excessive neuropsychic excitement combined with irritability.fatiguability and exhaustiveness.timidity and doubtfulness.a penchant for hypochondria.chronically lowered mood. social phobia.-----DSM = Avoidant personality disorder. Some dependent and negativistic features can also be present. -----Milton's = Conflicted or phobic avoidant personality.
- Wikipedia

Subtype - Constitutionally excitable (Pyotry's subtype) @ Wikipedia

Constitutionally excitable = constantly elevated mood. vigor and enterprise. flexibility and multifacetedness. superficiality of interests. overtalkativeness.excessive demand for amusement
-----DSM =  Histrionic personality disorder with some narcissistic features, Hypomania.
-----Milton =  Vivacious histrionic personality.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Marilyn Manson - Lamb of God

"The camera will make you god
that's how Jack became sainted

If you die when there's no one watching
and your ratings drop and you're forgotten
if they kill you on their TV
you're a martyr and a lamb of god"

@ Genius

Are some humans born evil?@ Telegraph

" Although most children become distressed when those around them are unhappy, some are less reactive to others’ emotions. “This is what psychologists call emotional contagion,” says Viding. “We think it’s one of the early markers of how readily you develop empathy.” A lack of empathy is one of the key signs of psychopathy, and increases the likelihood of committing harmful crimes.

But Viding, who focuses on the neurobiological basis of psychopathy, says parents and teachers have a strong effect on a child’s mental trajectory. Growing up in a cold, mercenary environment is likely to make a child less empathetic, while a positive teacher who rewards good behaviour can help a child react appropriately to others’ suffering. "

See more @ Telegraph

I Don't Know What To Do... uploaded by Drew Disaster

I feel this way alot, like I am going to be unwanted if I am not perfect </3

Hastag #MaybeHe/SheDoesntHitYou

to help people share their stories of emotional abuse.
12 Heartbreaking #MaybeHeDoesntHitYou Tweets Expose the Reality of Emotional Abuse

The Manipulative Personality @ aloftyexistence

"Experts agree that there are three main types of manipulative personality:

    The Narcissist — The Narcissist is the ultimate manipulator. They are egotistic, self-absorbed and feel entitled to nearly everything they desire. They lack empathy and consideration for others, so they will easily manipulate to their own gain. They think it is their right to have others do what they say.

    The Needy — The Needy person is the most difficult type of manipulator to let go of. They are experts at making you feel sorry for them, and making you feel like you are the only person that can help them. Some Needy personalities don’t realize that they are manipulative. They have learned to depend on others for their needs, and simply don’t know how to get along without help. They may cry or become offended when accused of manipulation. Those that realize they are manipulative may become passive-aggressive in their attempts to regain control.

    The Martyr — This type of personality will give you everything — but at a price. They will do you favors, give you special attention, and be overly considerate, but they expect much in return. Their giving is tied to their desire to be considered a “good person” or be considered important to another person. They “cash in” on the favors they’ve done for you to get you to comply with their wishes. Common phrases heard from the Martyr include, “After all I’ve done for you” and “I would do it for you.”
See more @ ALoftyExistence

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Have You Ever Been “Duped” by a Sociopath? @ Huffinton Post

"Police and psychiatrists see these cases all the time, and the predator almost never stops. There will be periods of calm, or they might move on to someone else, but the hardly ever stop. There is therapy, but most predators won’t go, or just lie if they do go. There are no known cures sexual predators, sociopaths or psychopaths. I was told the only things that work are no contact and/or restraining orders (sometimes).

In the 2005 book The Sociopath Next Door: The Ruthless Versus the Rest of Us, psychologist Martha Stout claims that the number of sociopaths at large in society is close to 4%, or 1 in 25 people. Some say that is quite a low estimate, and there are also a number of other predatory disorders walking among us."

See more @ Huffington Post

"Narcissists are such hypocrites, they pretend to have moral,standards, feelings......"

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Subtype - Overt /Grandiose @ Wikipedia

"grandiosity, arrogance and boldness...
Those with "narcissistic grandiosity" express behavior "through interpersonally exploitative acts, lack of empathy, intense envy, aggression, and exhibitionism

@ Wikipedia

Subtype - Covert / Vulnerable @ Wikipedia

"characterized by defensiveness and hypersensitivity....
"Narcissistic vulnerability" entails (on a conscious level) "helplessness, emptiness, low self-esteem, and shame, which can be expressed in the behavior as being socially avoidant in situations where their self-presentation is not possible so they withdraw, or the approval they need/expect is not being met."

@ Wikipedia

Subtype - Oblivious @ Wikipedia

"grandiose, arrogant, and thick-skinned, and the "hypervigilant" subtype as being easily hurt, oversensitive, and ashamed. In his view, the oblivious subtype presents for admiration, envy, and appreciation of a powerful, grandiose self that is the antithesis of a weak internalized self, which hides in shame"

@ Wikipedia

Subtype - Hypervigilant @ Wikipedia

" neutralizes devaluation by seeing others as unjust abusers. It has been suggested that narcissistic personality disorder may be related to defenses against shame"

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Abrasive (Including sadistic personality disorder features) @ Wikipedia

"Contentious, intransigent, fractious, and quarrelsome; irritable, caustic, debasing, corrosive, and acrimonious, contradicts and derogates; few qualms and little conscience or remorse. (no longer a valid diagnosis in DSM)'

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Circuitous (Including dependent personality disorder features) @ Wikipedia

"Opposition displayed in a roundabout, labyrinthine, and ambiguous manner, e.g., procrastination, dawdling, forgetfulness, inefficiency, neglect, stubbornness, indirect and devious in venting resentment and resistant behaviors."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Discontented (Including depressive personality disorder features) @ Wikipedia

"Grumbling, petty, testy, cranky, embittered, complaining, fretful, vexed, and moody; gripes behind pretense; avoids confrontation; uses legitimate but trivial complaints."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Vacillating (Including borderline personality disorder features) @ Wikipedia

"Emotions fluctuate in bewildering, perplexing, and enigmatic ways; difficult to fathom or comprehend own capricious and mystifying moods; wavers, in flux, and irresolute both subjectively and intrapsychically."

@ Wikipedia

Millon Theory - Skeptical / Negativistic Personality

Millon Theory - Confident / Narcissistic Personality

See more @ Milon's official site

Millon Theory - Sociable/Histrionic Personality

See more @ Milon's official site

Subtypes - Tempestuous (Including negativistic features) @ Wikipedia

"Impulsive, out of control; moody complaints, sulking; precipitous emotion, stormy, impassioned, easily wrought-up, periodically inflamed, turbulent."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Vivacious (Including hypomania and narcissistic features) @ Wikipedia

"The seductiveness of the histrionic mixed with the energy typical of hypomania. Some narcissistic features can also be present

Vigorous, charming, bubbly, brisk, spirited, flippant, impulsive; seeks momentary cheerfulness and playful adventures; animated, energetic, ebullient."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Appeasing (Including dependent and compulsive features) @ Wikipedia

"Seeks to placate, mend, patch up, smooth over troubles; knack for settling differences, moderating tempers by yielding, compromising, conceding; sacrifices self for commendation; fruitlessly placates the unplacatable."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Disingenuous (Including antisocial features) @ Wikipedia

"Underhanded, double-dealing, scheming, contriving, plotting, crafty, false-hearted; egocentric, insincere, deceitful, calculating, guileful."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Theatrical (Variant of “pure” pattern) @ WIkipedia

"Affected, mannered, put-on; postures are striking, eyecatching, graphic; markets self-appearance; is synthesized, stagy; simulates desirable/dramatic poses."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Infantile (Including borderline features) @ Wikipedia

"Labile, high-strung, volatile emotions; childlike hysteria and nascent pouting; demanding, overwrought; fastens and clutches to another; is overly attached, hangs on, stays fused to and clinging."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Reputation-defending (including narcissistic features) @ Wikipedia

"Needs to be thought of as infallible, unbreakable, invincible, indomitable, formidable, inviolable; intransigent when status is questioned; overreactive to slights. 

These individuals want to be portrayed as tough and fearless. If his or her reputation is questioned the individual becomes furious and explosive, leading to murders or brutal attacks on people."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Unprincipled (including narcissistic features) @ Wikipedia

"Deficient conscience; unscrupulous, amoral, disloyal, fraudulent, deceptive, arrogant, exploitative; a conman and charlatan; dominating, contemptuous, vindictive.

Cocky, disrespectful and extremely arrogant, these people seem to be assosiated with nobody, as they go through life manipulating and causing mayhem where they go, malicious tendencies are projected outwards, this subtype invites danger. These people use scapegoats and are always ready to attack anyone who is identified as a scapegoat, it not uncommon to find these people in drug rehibilation centers, or prison, but most likely they will never clash into the law."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Tyrannical (including negativistic and sadistic features) @ Wikipedia

"Relishes menacing and brutalising others, forcing them to cower and submit; verbally cutting and scratching, accusatory and destructive; intentionally surly, abusive, inhumane, unmerciful.

These people, have insecurities and a poor self-esteem that they hide from the world, drug use and alcohol use is not uncommon as this sub type, goes through life brutalising people, and degrading people, especially infront of others, they seem to like doing it infront of others as it has a major increase on there self-esteem, this subtype also has to make sure its victim will nit use violence in return. Its not rare to find these people on, death row, or in criminal gangs, mass murderes, as this is the truest psychopathic subtype of them all."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Spineless (including avoidant personality disorder | features) @ Wikipedia

"Basically Insecure, bogus, Spineless, venomous dominance is counterphobic, public swaggering, selects powerless scapegoats, is diminished with group support

Cowardly and deeply insecure, the spineless sadist seems to be a target among the other subtypes of antisocials, these people have live in a world where there enemies powerful than they are, having delusions of vulnerability, hostile tendencies are then projected outwards on powerless scapegoats, in order to fall stool any future attacks, this gives a false image of self-confidence. The public swaggering is ment to be a message to others that he/she is not ment to be messed with. Its common to find these types of people in ethnic minority groups, or simply an obesed or skinny person."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Risk-taking (including histrionic features) @ Wikipedia

"Dauntless, venturesome, intrepid, bold, audacious, daring; reckless, foolhardy, impulsive, heedless; unbalanced by hazard; pursues perilous ventures.

These individuals are easily bored and seek activities that will excite them. These could be brutal assaults, murders, sky diving, pranks, doing dares and putting one's life at risk. The violent activities, such as murder and assault, are not necessarily sadistic in nature but more of a rush or thrill for the perpetrator. These are reckless and bold individuals who have no regard for their own safety or the safety of others."
@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Covetous (variant of "pure" pattern) @ Wikipedia

"Feels intentionally denied and deprived; rapacious, begrudging, discontentedly yearning; envious, seeks retribution, and avariciously greedy; pleasure more in taking than in having.

These individuals feel they haven't got their due and that society owes them something. They are deeply insecure about their status and power and could be petty thieves or business people. These individuals are very exploitative and greedy, and they belittle people who are vulnerable to manipulation. They also show off their money, valuables and assets."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Malevolent (including sadistic and paranoid features) @ Wikipedia

"Belligerent, mordant, rancorous, vicious, malignant, brutal, resentful; anticipates betrayal and punishment; desires revenge; truculent, callous, fearless; guiltless.

These individuals have had extremely terrible pasts, and are resentful. They want revenge and will ruthlessly secure their personal boundaries in cold blood. These are brutal and callous individuals who are extremely fearless."

@ Wikipedia

Subtypes - Nomadic (including schizoid and avoidant features) @ Wikipedia

"Feels jinxed, ill-fated, doomed, and cast aside; peripheral, drifters; gypsy-like roamers, vagrants; dropouts and misfits; itinerant vagabonds, tramps, wanderers; impulsively not benign.

These individuals distance themselves from people and society. They are caught up in self-pity as well as being vacant and disconnected from self. They may seem harmless, but these individuals are impulsively violent and brutal towards victims who are weaker than them."
@ Wikipedia

Millon Theory - Nonconforming / Antisocial Personality

See more @ Milon's site

Friday, May 6, 2016

What is Psychopathy @ Wikipedia

"Psychopathy (/saɪˈkÉ’pəθi/), also known as—though sometimes differentiated from—sociopathy (/soÊŠsiˈɒpəθi/), is traditionally defined as a personality disorder characterized by enduring antisocial behavior, diminished empathy and remorse, and disinhibited or bold behavior. It may also be defined as a continuous aspect of personality, representing scores on different personality dimensions found throughout the population in varying combinations. The definition of psychopathy has varied significantly throughout the history of the concept; different definitions continue to be used that are only partly overlapping and sometimes appear contradictory."
See more @  Wikipedia

Taylor Swift - New Romantics

This song isn't about having HPD but I can relate to some of the lyrics.
"We show off our different scarlet letters
Trust me, mine is better
We're so young, but we're on the road to ruin
We play dumb but we know exactly what we're doing
We cry tears of mascara in the bathroom
Honey, life is just a classroom...
It's poker, you can't see it in my face
But I'm about to play my Ace
We need love but all we want is danger
We team up then switch sides like a record changer
The rumors are terrible and cruel
But honey most of them are true"

Thursday, May 5, 2016

"Our addictions don’t define who we are. It only shows what we lack ...." - Mica Trinidad

I crossed off the ones I don't do.

"Our addictions
don’t define who we are.
It only shows what we lack
and what we want to feel.
Self-harm numbs you.
Cigarettes calm you down.
Sleep makes you stop feeling.
Drugs give you a sense of happiness.
Starving makes you feel proud.
Alcohol washes your pain away.
Sex makes you feel wanted and loved.
We all have our little escapes from reality…""
Addictions, Mica Trinidad (via mica-trinidad)

the girl with the broken smile @ Tumblr *trigger warning*

Has pictures of self harm, ed,etc.
Some of her newer entries,however, talks about recovery :D thanks to marijuana <3

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"Is skin-cutting ("cutting," "self-harm") actually unusually dangerous?" @ Quora

No judgements, but if you self harm please be aware of how deep you are cutting..
Answered by Sophie Dickins
Credit @ Quora "It can be. Superficial wounds aren't particularly dangerous in and of themselves, especially if they are done with a disinfected razor, but there is still potential for infection as with any open wound. Plus, the cutter is likely to be hesitant to show their cuts to someone if they do become infected.

Cutting (as far as I'm aware) is more often used as a coping mechanism for anxiety/depression/stress/etc than as an enjoyable passtime. Therefore it indicates that the cutter is experiencing psychological distress, which is definitely greater cause for alarm than, say, tennis practice. Plus, unlike sports, the cuts are the purpose, rather than just an occaisional undesirable side effect.

Another cause for concern is the fact that superfical cuts can lead to deeper ones. Like anything that causes a release of endorphins or "high", you need more and more to get the desired effect as you become acclimated.

Lastly, those who cut sometimes enter what could be described as an "altered state". Some cutters report they don't feel pain while cutting, only emotional release. The pain comes later. This lack of awarenes of pain could lead to very deep cuts, which would require emergency medical attention."

"How can I smartly cut myself?" - @ Quora *Trigger warning*

Answered by Irene Grijalvo Tarrés, @ Quora

 "Disclaimer: I don't think self-harm is a good idea and I'd advise you look for alternatives (Alternatives to Self Harm) but I'll answer the question.

Monday, May 2, 2016

[Pic:] "Every night she rubs cream on my scars and tells me how handsome I am. "

@my other blog, WLI
Note:It is implied that the person is transgender.But, it can be used for someone who self-harms as well.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

My rules of friendship by WLI (me, Jojo) - boundries

@ my other blog, WLI

Why Narcissism and Other High Conflict Personalities Are On the Rise @ Shrink 4 Men

"In 2004, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that 14.8% of the US population meets the criteria to be diagnosed with at least one personality disorder from a sample of more than 43,000 interviewees. This study did not include Borderline, Narcissist or Schizotypal personality disorders. Therefore, the percentage is very likely much higher. NIH conducted the study because:

The lack of information on personality disorders is a major gap in US health policies.
Personality disorders seem to be significantly linked to work problems, marital/family/relationship problems and criminal activities."

Why Narcissism and Other High Conflict Personalities Are On the Rise @ Shrink 4 Men

Check out High Conflict Institute (dot) com

"High Conflict People pick a Target of Blame and assault that person verbally, physically, financially, etc. High Conflict People promote high conflict divorces, lawsuits, complaints against co-workers, neighbors, friends and family. They sue professionals, gather negative advocates, cost employers lots of time and money. High Conflict People convince everyone that it's all your fault! If you're dealing with a situation like this then you've come to the right place to get information, resources and tools to help you."
High Conflict Institute

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Skylar Grey - Can't Haunt Me (feat. Marilyn Manson)

Check out RavensNewLife's Youtube channel

"My name is Raven and I'm a survivor of a marriage to a covert narcissist. I am hoping with this channel that I can help others who might feel they are in an abusive relationship or are trying to get out of an abusive relationship, especially to a narcissist. A year ago when my separation started I didn't know what a narcissist was. I was shell shocked and traumatized and looking for anything to explain why my life and marriage had blown up in an instant. Bear with me as I have always hated pictures of myself and the sound of my voice but now I find myself wanting to put my story out there for others to see."

Check out RavensNewLife's Youtube channel

10 Ways I've Healed From Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome uploaded by familytreecounseling

Check out Narcissism Survivor's Youtube channel

Check out Narcissism Survivor's Youtube channel

Check out Finally free from Narcissism's Youtube channel

Check out Finally free from Narcissism's Youtube channel

Check out Understanding Narcissists' Youtube

Check out Understanding Narcissists' Youtube

Check out Annabel Lee's Youtube channel

"I was raised by a narcissistic/bipolar mother and married to a covert narcissist for 15 years. When I was 38, I "woke up" and went no contact with both my mother and brother while at the same time initiating a divorce from my husband. During the years that followed, my sons and I encountered many twists and turns. Seven years later, we're in a new state, have completed treatment for PTSD, and have come out of the narc/flying monkey fog. These videos recount my experiences (which are likely so similar to many of yours) and share what I've learned.  I am not aware of official diagnoses for either my mother or my ex-husband. However, a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist I've treated with both identified their behaviors as such, and I do my best to provide examples of those behaviors in my videos."

Check out Annabel Lee's Youtube channel

Check out familytreecounseling's Youtube channel

"Cutting Edge Videos On Abandonment Issues, Shame, Affair Recovery, Family Systems Theory, Marriage Counseling, Codependency, Men's Issues, Sexual Addiction & Intimacy From Family Tree Counseling Associates' Unique Marriage Jolting Perspective"

Check out familytreecounseling's Youtube channel

Toxic Relationships | Letting go of negative people uploaded by Anastasjia Louise

Negativistic / Passive-aggressive behavior @ Wikipedia

"Passive-aggressive behavior is the indirect expression of hostility, such as through procrastination, stubbornness, sullen behavior, or deliberate or repeated failure to accomplish requested tasks for which one is (often explicitly) responsible.

For research purposes, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) revision IV describes passive-aggressive personality disorder as a "pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for adequate performance in social and occupational situations"

See more @ Wikipedia

Why I Stayed With An Abusive Partner – And How Emotional Abuse Gave Me PTSD @ Everyday Feminism

"I’m now the perfect fourth-grade room mother. My church mentors tell me to read books and listen to lectures on praying for my husband and understanding his needs. I work very hard to present the front of a perfectly happy family. My kids are involved in multiple activities that I, of course, solely organize and am responsible for. I’ve begun to drop subtle hints to the other moms but when they confront me I adamantly deny it. No, everything is great, I insist. I point to all the happy family photos I post to Facebook as evidence. I’m not sure which scares me more: the fear that others will find out my secret, or that my husband will find out I told the truth about our marriage. I realize I’m now afraid of him. DRIP, DRIP. And then one day, I wake up and realize the house is flooding. My head bobs under the water. I’m scared. I also see the fear in my children’s eyes. Oh dear God, what have I done? How did we get here? Who have I become? The night he throws his cell phone at me and narrowly misses my head, I want to pack the kids in the car and leave. The evening at the dinner table when he stands up and throws a fork at me in front of the kids, I want to leave."

See more @ Everyday Feminism


As seen/heard about on ReignBotHorror's 5 Disturbing Things You Shouldn't Google [Part 6]
A girl who self harms, however, her scars are VERY deep and she has many of them.

If the Instagram account is her's it seems as though she has not recovered fully, but doesn't harm herself as deep or as often!
@Isso Bizarro - Trigger warning. VERY GRAPHIC.
@ IG - Documenting her recovery
Imgrum (german ig) - documenting her recovery

Monday, April 25, 2016

[Pic:] My therapist told me instead of hurting myself I should draw something pretty were I want to cut.....

Fifty Shades of Sadism: Psychopaths as Lovers

@ My other blog,WLI

11 Steps to Fight the ‘God Complex’

@ My other blog, WLI

Queen Bee Syndrome

@ My other blog, WLI

What is Egoism / an egoist?

"Egocentrism is the inability to differentiate between self and other. More specifically, it is the inability to untangle subjective schemas from objective reality; an inability to understand or assume any perspective other than their own.
Although egocentrism and narcissism appear similar, they are not the same. A person who is egocentric believes they are the center of attention, like a narcissist, but does not receive gratification by one's own admiration. An egotist is a person whose ego is greatly influenced by the approval of others while a narcissist is not."

See more @ Wikipedia

More Info...

  1. Piaget's Definition of Egocentrism in Adolescence: Examples & Overview - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
  2. Adolescent Egocentrism uploaded by Stephanie Shaw @ YouTube
  3. Elkind's Theory of Adolescent Egocentrism - Video & Lesson Transcript | Study.com
  4. Throwback Tuesday: Teaching beyond egocentrism and sociocentrism – Education to Save the World
  5. Motives of Egocentric Thinking
  6. Egocentrism uploaded by jenningh @  YouTube
  7. Tutorial: Cognitive Egocentrism Theory Of Mind
  8. It’s a Fine Line Between Narcissism and Egocentrism | Psychology Today
  9. Egocentrism definition | Psychology Glossary | alleydog.com
  10. Preoperational Stage - Egocentrism | Simply Psychology

Sunday, April 24, 2016

God Complex

@ my other blog, WLI

What is Special Snowflake syndrome?

@ My other blog, WLI

"The danger of this disease is that the sufferers rarely, if ever, know that they have contracted it, and continue about their merry way under the assumption that EVERYONE ELSE is the problem.

This condition, if left untreated, can radically alter the carrier's demeanor, to include any of the following: a complete devolution to child-like behavior, temper tantrums, and/or fits of narcissistic rage."

Delusion of Grandeur

@ my other blog, WLI

Egomania Full Documentary on Narcissism

@ my other blog, WLI


@ my other blog, WLI

The Narcissist's Hoover Maneuver By Lisa E. Scott posted by Recovering From Narcissistic Abuse - Knowledge Equals Healing

@ My other blog WLI

Personality Subtypes @ Milton (dot) net @ WLI blog

@ My other blog I posted about this.

Subtypes of HPD by Theodore Milton

@ My other blog, Woah Lotta Info..

APD Subtypes @ APD (dot) Weebly)

Sociopaths - These are the ones with only ASP, and not coupled with any other Personality Disorder .

Covetous Sociopath - These people feel deprived, possibly due to homelessness, a family death, etc. They are greedy and jealous, and find more pleasure in taking from others than actually having what has been taken.

Nomadic Sociopath - Feels cast aside, like a misfit, and has an underdeveloped ability to make friendships. Impulsive.

Histrionic Sociopath - Always rushing to danger, these people are excited by a threat to their own life.

Narcissistic Sociopath - Defends reputation as unflawed. Often denies diagnosis of disorder.

Sadistic-Paranoid Sociopath - Aggressive, sarcastic, fearless, and shameless, these people anticipate betrayal from friends, and seeks punishment for them, even when they may actually be innocent. Of course, the sociopath does not think there is any chance of them being innocent. Enjoys carrying out the punishments upon others.

Check out APD @ Weebly

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Practice Wisdom: Differentiating Borderline and Histrionic Personalities

"My supervisor suggests that these different driving forces manifest in the intent behind the client's "dramatic, emotional, or erratic" behavior. Specifically, it is more characteristically erratic in BPD - the emotionality is not typically planned or intended, but the result of the client feeling like s/he is out of control, or even dissolving. In contrast, the behavior seems more instrumental (i.e., goal directed) in HPD - it is in service of gratifying the need for attention, with more calculation as to the effect the behavior will have on others. Thus, clients with BPD may be much more likely to experience unintended effects of their behavior, but still be unable to choose more adaptive behavior. My supervisors suspected that our client had HPD because she seemed more in control and calculating in her behavior than one would expect from BPD."

See entire article @ Practice Wisdom

HPD vs. BPD by user @ Psych Forums

Stealing not intended. Just do not want this great information to get lost or deleted

"Talking HPD women and BPD women...IMO
Many HPDs have similar overlaps with BPD's:
-HPDs are also looking for a hero and savior (often casting you using in white knight or prince imagery)
-HPDs can also act like they are vulnerable, and often seem much younger than they are.
-HPDs can also turn into haters, splitting you, in which you go from white knight and savior to a betraying dark pariah.
-Many HPD's also have periodic windows of both dissociation and empathy, although as a general rule BPD's dissociate more intensely than HPDs and maybe because BPD's are afraid of abandonment, they seem more empathetic than HPD's.

Possible differences:
-HPD's are often very attractive; therefore they exude more social power and confidence than BPD's.
-A significant percentage of HPDs experience sexual satisfaction problems, and despite their seductive behavior they have little interest in sex; BPDs more readily become addicted to sex (or drugs, alcohol, etc,), perhaps as a way to ameliorate the BPD aversive tension they live with.
-BPD's are more paranoid when it comes to others; HPDs gullibly, even carelessly approach others (incl. AsPDs or other exploitative people ) in search of supply: attention and validation.
-From her side, the HPD relationship has a lighter, more carefree feel; you don't feel so that one-on-one intensity as in a BPD relationship.
-HPD is more organized, to the extent that besides a main boyfriend, many run a fan club with other guys that they are flirting with..."emotional cheating"... or in some limited cases, also having intimate affairs with. The main b/f and the members of the fan club are usually kept seperate by the HPD, and thus there is often a secretive air about all these goings on.
-In some HPD's the splitting also causes them to run two types of male relationships, either one right after the other, or in some cases at the same time, with these male types:
(a) older guys who are like father figures to the HPD
(b) younger 'bad boys,' who are often NPD or AsPD. or who have at least those some of those traits.

Variations of the Histrionic Personality - Personality Disorders @ ALPF Medical

Identifying Victims of Narcissistic Abuse By Christine Hammond, MS, LMHC

"Several names have been tossed around to describe what happens to these victims. Some have called it Narcissistic Victim Syndrome (NVS), Trauma-Associated Narcissistic Symptoms (TANS), or Post Traumatic Narcissism Syndrome (PTNS). However, none of these is an official diagnosis. Each of these has a similar list of symptoms:

Flashbacks of the behavior and trauma
Extreme fear for their personal safety
Highly strung or nervous
Constantly scanning environment for potential threats
Depression, irritability, and guilt
Multiple physical complaints
Might engage in self-harm
Panic attacks
Numbing and shock
Impaired concentration and memory
Feeling they are going mad
Insomnia and nightmares
Obsessive compulsive behaviors or eating disorders
Suppressed anger
Might be dissociative
Might be suicidal
Constantly second guessing
Difficulty making simple decisions

See entire article @ Psych Central

What is Antisocial Personality Disorder? (Mental Health Guru) uploaded by Healthguru

Antisocial Personality Disorder @ Mental Health

"Antisocial Personality Disorder is a condition characterized by persistent disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood. Deceit, manipulation and exploitation of others are central features of this disorder. For this diagnosis to be given, the individual must be at least 18, and must have had some symptoms of Conduct Disorder (i.e., delinquency) before age 15. This disorder is only diagnosed when these behaviors become persistent and very disabling or distressing. This disorder should not be diagnosed if its symptoms occur exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or Bipolar Disorder, or if it is attributable to Substance Use Disorder or another medical condition.

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder grow up being lawless and impulsive. The core features of this disorder are: (1) antagonism (manipulativeness, callousness, deceitfulness, hostility), and (2) disinhibition (risk taking, impulsivity, irresponsibility). This disorder is only diagnosed if: (1) the individual is at least 18, (2) these behaviors occur at home, work, and in the community, and (3) these behaviors lead to clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

In childhood, these individuals usually have Oppositional Defiant Disorder (towards parents and teachers) which develops into Conduct Disorder (delinquency) in adolescence. This delinquency takes the form of reckless thrill-seeking, physical violence (towards people or animals), and law-breaking. These individuals become the school bullies, thieves, vandals, and drug-dealers. Most adolescent delinquents grow out of this behavior as they enter adulthood. However, those that increase their delinquent behavior as they enter adulthood have their diagnosis changed from Conduct Disorder to Antisocial Personality Disorder. "

Check out the checklist for AsPD @ Mental Health

​Personalities and fears


PsychopathFree - Sociopaths and narcissists frequently accuse... @ Psychopath Free FB page

"Sociopaths and narcissists frequently accuse their targets of not caring enough. Whether it be a parent, partner, sibling, or boss, the bottom line is that disordered individuals constantly project their insensitivity onto others. You can be the kindest, most compassionate person on the planet—it doesn't matter. It will never be enough. The problem is that "you don't care enough" implies that if you cared more, their behavior might actually improve. But with psychopaths, you'll find their behavior actually worsens as you start to give more. They prey on the normal human desire to empathize, forgive, and reconcile."  

The Narcissist's Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But . . . @ Psychology Today

"The narcissist's marked lack of accurate empathy for the feelings, wants, and needs of others is all too well known. But what is less appreciated is that this deficiency represents an unfortunate consequence of their growing up so preoccupied with their own frustrated needs--and emotional distress generally--that they could never develop sufficient sensitivity to others. Intensely driven to succeed, or at least see themselves as successful, their focus inevitably became myopic, pathologically self-centered. Others simply weren't in their line of (tunnel) vision.....
It's precisely this need to be viewed as perfect, superlative, or infallible that makes them so hypersensitive to criticism. And their typical reaction to criticism, disagreement, challenges-or sometimes even the mere suggestion that they consider doing something differently-can lead to the "narcissistic rage" that is another of their trademarks. To protect their delicate ego in the face of such intensely felt danger, they're decidedly at risk for going ballistic against their perceived adversary."

The Narcissist's Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But . . . @ Psychology Today