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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"How can I smartly cut myself?" - @ Quora *Trigger warning*

Answered by Irene Grijalvo Tarrés, @ Quora

 "Disclaimer: I don't think self-harm is a good idea and I'd advise you look for alternatives (Alternatives to Self Harm) but I'll answer the question.

That's a terrible idea and I really would advise against it. Rubbing anything spicy into the wound is likely to get you an infection and if you're worried about scars, that's the worst thing you can do. Same with salt and acidic stuff. Stay out of the kitchen for this.

If you want to minimise the scars, first of all, pick a good spot on your body, like your upper thigh. The skin there is delicate but it's hardly ever exposed in public. Keeping scars away from sunlight will help them heal faster and be fainter. Leave your arms alone.

You also need to take care of them. Making yourself feel the most pain is not a good attitude to have when you're cutting, as much as you want to think that's why you do it. You don't deserve pain. I'll say it again: You don't deserve pain. Instead, if you want to cut, do it with a different mentality. Look at it as tool; expressing your feelings outwardly let's you take care of them.

Disinfect the patch of skin with a bit of rubbing alcohol (not vodka or any other liquor). Then using a clean, sharp (that is, new) razor blade, make a superficial cut. And I mean superficial. Let it be for a couple of minutes and just let yourself feel it. Then, taking a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol, wipe the wound clean. The alcohol will burn, which is probably what you want. As soon as the bleeding stops, put a band-aid or a gauze with some cloth tape over it. Taking care of the wound (taking care of yourself) is what is going to help you, instead of maximising the pain.

Also, don't cut in the same spot twice or pick at the scabs. That will only make the scars worse. It's also better to make several shallow cuts than one deep one.

You can message me directly anytime if you want any advice or if you need to talk. I'm not going to judge you or try to talk you out of it but I might be able to help. Please, take care of yourself."

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